The Mauritius Meteorological Services (MMS) operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Local Government and Disaster Risk Management. The MMS is an essential service and operates on a 24/7 basis.
It has about 150 personnel working on shift at the following stations: Vacoas Headquarters, Plaisance Aeronautical Meteorological Station, St Brandon Meteorological Station, Agaléga Meteorological Station and Trou aux Cerfs Doppler Weather Radar Station.
The Mauritius Meteorological Services is governed by the The Mauritius Meteorological Services Act 2019.
The Director heads the MMS and is supported by two Deputy Directors, four Divisional Meteorologists and officers of the Meteorologist and Meteorological Technician cadres.
The list of key senior staff may be accessed here.
Contact details
Telephone:  (+230) 686 1031 or (+230) 686 1032
Email: meteo@intnet.mu
Fax: (+230) 686 1033
Postal address:
The Director
Mauritius Meteorological Services
St Paul Road
Republic of Mauritius
To be a weather resilient and climate-smart nation

To provide accurate and timely weather and climate services and early warnings for natural hazards for enhanced socio-economic development of the Republic of Mauritius.
It has overall national, regional and international commitments as a member of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).
 Its main function is to keep constant watch on the atmospheric conditions within a very large area of the globe over land, sea and in the atmosphere.
 MMS Strategic Goals
1. Building a weather resilient nation
2. Strengthening network of observing station and modernise operations
3. Providing climate services for the socio-economic development
4. Strengthening human and institutional capacity
Services provided by the MMS
Services provided by the MMS include, among others:
·     warning of natural hazards affecting the country;
·     maritime and aeronautical forecasts for national and international purposes;
·     monitoring and timely warnings of Tsunami;
·     systematic archival of meteorological data on weather elements and generate products requested by clients;
·     making provision of medium to long range seasonal forecasts for policy makers; and provision of meteorological information and advice to stakeholders.
Role of the Mauritius Meteorological Services
The Mauritius Meteorological Services is the official authority responsible for:
·     monitoring the evolution of weather and climate, including extreme weather, throughout the Republic of Mauritius;
·     monitoring the progress of tsunami waves caused mainly by seismic activity; 
·     providing weather forecasts, advisories and warnings for the welfare and safety of the general public;
·     providing climate services for the sustainable socio-economic development of the Republic of Mauritius;
·     fulfilling the international obligations of the Republic of Mauritius under the conventions of the World Meteorological Organisation;
·     fulfilling the international obligations of the Republic of Mauritius under the Convention on International Civil Aviation on Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation; and
·     fulfilling such other weather or climate-related regional and international obligations as may be necessary.
Functions and powers of the Mauritius Meteorological Services

The functions of the Mauritius Meteorological Services are, inter alia, to:

·     provide daily and seasonal weather forecasts and climate services;
·     provide advisories and warnings for extreme weather events and tsunamis;
·     provide advisories and warnings to ensure the protection and safety of maritime navigation within and aeronautical navigation within the jurisdiction of Mauritius;
·     provide customised weather forecasts for weather-sensitive socio economic sectors;
·     make, collect and exchange meteorological and other related observations in accordance with the procedures and the standards of the World Meteorological Organisation;
·     record, process and archive meteorological and other related observations for climatological, environmental, research, socio-economic and other purposes;
·     monitor the state of the atmosphere and of the ocean on a local, regional and global scale;
·     keep the National Disaster   Risk Reduction and Management Centre and the National Emergency Operation Command informed of the evolution of weather and climate, including extreme weather;
·     prepare, disseminate and supply meteorological data, information, products and advice;
·     conduct and assist in research and investigations in the field of meteorology and climatology;
·     monitor, assess and conduct research on climate change, in particular on the science of climate change and sea level rise, and provide baseline information for the sustainable development of the Republic of Mauritius;

·     promote and participate in regional and international cooperation programmes in meteorology, climate change and seismology;
·     promote education, sensitisation and awareness on weather and climate;
·     act as the National Tsunami Warning Centre for Mauritius, receive advisories from Tsunami Service Providers, issue appropriate bulletins for the Republic of Mauritius and participate in the Intergovernmental Coordination Group of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System

·   establish offices and stations for the observation of parameters related to weather and climate over land, in the atmosphere and in the oceans;  
·     arrange with any institution, authority or person to perform and record meteorological observations, in accordance with established standards of the World Meteorological Organization;
·     be responsible for the reception and transmission of meteorological data and information at local regional and international levels;
·     ensure optimum use of communication facilities for the transmission ad reception of meteorological data and information at local, regional and international levels;
·     do all such other acts or things as may be necessary or desirable for the attainment of its objects.
Meteorological stations are situated all over the island together with outstations in Rodrigues, Agalega and St Brandon islands and the headquarters is found at Vacoas.
The Doppler Weather Radar at Trou aux Cerfs sub-station became operational from April 2019 is contributing in the provision of more accurate weather forecast, including tracking of tropical cyclone and other severe weather systems.

Cyclone Warning System for Mauritius and Rodrigues

Class I: Issued 36 to 48 hours before Mauritius or Rodrigues is likely to be affected by gusts reaching 120 km/h.

 Class II: Issued so as to allow, as far as practicable, 12 hours of daylight before the occurrence of gusts of 120 km/h.

 Class III: Issued so as to allow, as far as practicable, 6 hours of daylight before the occurrence of gusts of 120 km/h.

 Class IV: Issued when gusts of 120 km/h have been recorded in some places and are expected to continue.

 Termination: Issued when there is no longer any risk of gusts exceeding 120 km/h.
Preparedness and Precautions in the event of a cyclone
Before the Cyclone
·  Ensure that your house is in good condition and can withstand cyclone gusts.
·  Trim tree branches likely to cause damages to your house, telephone and electricity lines.
·  Clear your property of loose material that can cause injury and damage during extreme winds.
·  Identify secure places for your boat.
·  Be acquainted with the nearest cyclone refugee centres.
·  Prepare an emergency kit consisting of:
1.   Portable AM/FM radio and fresh batteries.
2.   Torch, lamps, candles, matches, etc.
3.   Water containers.
4.   Canned food, can opener, stove with sufficient gas.
5.   Rice, flour, biscuits, cheese, etc.
6.   First aid kit and essential medicines.
7.   Clothes secured in plastic bags.
8.   Tool kit for emergency repairs (hammer, nail, rope, etc)
During a cyclone warning Class l
·        Make sure your emergency kit is ready.
·        Monitor cyclone bulletins on Radio/TV.
·        Prepare to secure windows and doors with shutters or shields.
During a cyclone warning Class ll
Verify that your emergency kit contains all essential items
·      Store sufficient amount of drinking water
·      Continue to monitor cyclone bulletins on Radio/TV.
Upon the issuance of a cyclone warning Class lll
·                  Complete all preparatory measures.
1.  Fix shutters.
2.  Secure doors and windows.
3.  Store loose articles.
·                  Avoid areas prone to storm surges and flooding.
·                  Shelter domestic animals.
·                  Secure vehicles.
·                 Those in insecure dwellings, move as early as possible, to cyclone refugee centre with your emergency kit.
·                  Avoid going outside.
·                  Monitor closely cyclone bulletins on Radio/TV.
During a cyclone warning Class IV

Gusts of 120 km/h or more are occurring
·                  Stay inside. Seek shelter in the safest part of the house.
·                  Disconnect all electrical appliances.
·                  Listen attentively to cyclone bulletins and advice on the Radio / TV.
·                 If the house starts to suffer important damages, protect yourself with mattress, rugs or blankets.
       Passage of the ‘EYE’ of the cyclone
 Beware of the passage of the ‘EYE’. Do not assume that cyclonic conditions are over. The calm period is always followed by violent winds from the opposite direction.

       After passage of the cyclone
·                 Do not leave your shelter until the all-clear signals have been given by relevant Authorities.
·                  Beware of fallen power lines, damaged buildings and trees and flooded water courses.
·                  Do not consume fallen fruits.
·                  Boil water for drinking purposes.