The Field Services Unit
The FSU started its operations in 1987 and was responsible for the monitoring of landslide problems which occurred at La Butte.
Over the years, the FSU operations have evolved from its initial objective of monitoring the La Butte Landslide into the following activities: -
- Execution of minor infrastructural projects for various Authorities, including the Ministry , the Beach Authority, the National Development Unit and others.
(ii) Repair and maintenance works on Traffic Centres.
(iii) Cleaning of Motorway and some public Beaches.
(iv) Landscaping and embellishment works across the island.
(v) Maintaining a nursery and a greenhouse so as to have a stock of plants for use at the Head Office and for rental to other Ministries/Departments and socio-cultural organizations.
(vi) Assist various Government and Non Government Organisations by providing labour for various tasks including cleaning, repairs, transportation of equipment, masonry, painting, carpentry works etc.
It is imperative that requests for assistance from the F.S.U be submitted in writing to the Ministry at least two weeks in advance to enable planning and timely execution.
Contact Person: Mr S Sundhoo
Chief Inspector
Tel: 212 2331
Fax: 208 6539